Great new listing in Barstow!
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Latest Real Estate
- $42,500 - 2308 Sidney Ave
- $315,000 - 730 Kindig Rd
- $139,500 - 2417 Maryland Ave
- $257,990 - 2504 Yorkway
- $200,000 - 9405 Juliette Dr
- $2,400 - 2755 Carter Farm Ct
- $235,000 - 810 Chapel Farm Dr
- $1,400 - 10970 Cedar Dr
- $164,000 - 3704 36th St
- $60,000 - 1715 Braddish Ave
- $2,000 - 12989 Orleans St
- $2,500 - 4700 Newman Rd
- $1,700 - 520 John Carlyle St #334
- $130,000 - 18611 Amidon Ave
- $195,000 - 9295 Beaverdam Rd
- $549,990 - 11409 Mactavish Hts
- $3,000 - 157 Fleet St #718
- $2,250 - 25491 Feltre Ter #25491
- $1,600 - 12108 Greenway Ct #102
- $169,900 - 471 Thoreau Dr
- $1,600 - 13504 Derry Glen Ct #203
- $249,900 - 317 Heritage Dr
- $164,900 - 111 Hamlet Hill Rd #613
- $549,000 - 207b Pointe Way #51
- $875,000 - 160 Somerset Rd
- $299,000 - 3488 Caloosa Way
- $239,500 - 614 Yorktown Blvd
- $382,500 - 15413 Valencia St
- $545,500 - 4726 Pickett Rd
- $209,900 - 184 Pheasant Run Ln
- $145,000 - 3727 Gibbons Ave
- $100,000 - 6044 Saint Moritz Dr
- $169,900 - 7320 Bay Front Rd
- $289,900 - 139 Dublin Dr
- $1,650 - 2602 Chancellor Ct
- $2,000 - 7729 Majestic Way
- $1,175 - 811 Stratford Way #L
- $2,300 - 10101 Grosvenor Pl #505
- $150,000 - 411 Elmwood Rd
- $145,900 - 106106 Highland Ct
- $2,600 - 2118 Glenn Spring Ct
- $2,700 - 300 Garden View Sq
- $182,000 - 7722 Donnybrook Ct #7
- $309,900 - 12000 Taliesin Pl #11
- $430,000 - 824 Mill Creek Rd
- $849,000 - 6514 78th St
- $170,000 - 7565 Weather Worn Way #C
- $184,990 - 3 Softwinds Ct
- $2,300 - 20373 Cottswold Ter #75
- $1,700 - 8004 Holly Ave
2504 Yorkway , Dundalk
- Home size: 1,950 sq ft
- Lot size: 4,835 sqft
- Year built: 2013
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $257,990
2755 Carter Farm Ct , Alexandria
- Lot size: 2,746 sqft
- Year built: 1979
- 3 beds
- 1 full, 1 part baths
- $2,400
12989 Orleans St , Woodbridge
- Home size: 1,759 sq ft
- Lot size: 10,903 sqft
- Year built: 1970
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $2,000
4700 Newman Rd , Temple Hills
- Home size: 1,203 sq ft
- Lot size: 21,637 sqft
- Year built: 1968
- 4 beds
- 3 full baths
- $2,500
520 John Carlyle St #334 , Alexandria
- Home size: 620 sq ft
- Year built: 2007
- 1 bed
- 1 full bath
- $1,700
9295 Beaverdam Rd , Nanjemoy
- Home size: 1,900 sq ft
- Lot size: 21,780 sqft
- Year built: 1955
- 3 beds
- 1 full bath
- $195,000
11409 Mactavish Hts , Fairfax
- Home size: 2,800 sq ft
- Lot size: 2,141 sqft
- Year built: 2002
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $549,990
157 Fleet St #718 , National Harbor
- Home size: 1,222 sq ft
- Year built: 2009
- 2 beds
- 2 full baths
- $3,000
25491 Feltre Ter #25491 , Chantilly
- Home size: 1,765 sq ft
- Year built: 2013
- 3 beds
- 2 full baths
- $2,250
13504 Derry Glen Ct #203 , Germantown
- Home size: 1,068 sq ft
- Year built: 2006
- 2 beds
- 2 full baths
- $1,600
317 Heritage Dr , Shepherdstown
- Home size: 2,052 sq ft
- Lot size: 43,560 sqft
- Year built: 2001
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $249,900
111 Hamlet Hill Rd #613 , Baltimore
- Home size: 1,369 sq ft
- Year built: 1975
- 2 beds
- 2 full baths
- $164,900
207b Pointe Way #51 , Havre De Grace
- Home size: 2,000 sq ft
- Year built: 1998
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $549,000
3488 Caloosa Way , Woodbridge
- Lot size: 2,888 sqft
- Year built: 1998
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $299,000
614 Yorktown Blvd , Locust Grove
- Home size: 2,117 sq ft
- Lot size: 14,866 sqft
- Year built: 2006
- 3 beds
- 2 full baths
- $239,500
15413 Valencia St , Silver Spring
- Home size: 2,500 sq ft
- Lot size: 11,148 sqft
- Year built: 1972
- 4 beds
- 2 full baths
- $382,500
4726 Pickett Rd , Fairfax
- Home size: 2,876 sq ft
- Lot size: 11,452 sqft
- Year built: 1965
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $545,500
184 Pheasant Run Ln , Hanover
- Home size: 1,928 sq ft
- Lot size: 12,037 sqft
- Year built: 1990
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $209,900
6044 Saint Moritz Dr , Temple Hills
- Lot size: 1,678 sqft
- Year built: 1984
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $100,000
7320 Bay Front Rd , Sparrows Point
- Lot size: 3,049 sqft
- Year built: 1932
- 4 beds
- 2 full baths
- $169,900
139 Dublin Dr , Lutherville Timonium
- Lot size: 8,686 sqft
- Year built: 1955
- 4 beds
- 2 full baths
- $289,900
2602 Chancellor Ct , Odenton
- Lot size: 1,155 sqft
- Year built: 1998
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $1,650
7729 Majestic Way , Derwood
- Lot size: 2,400 sqft
- Year built: 1985
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $2,000
10101 Grosvenor Pl #505 , Rockville
- Home size: 1,300 sq ft
- Year built: 1986
- 2 beds
- 2 full baths
- $2,300
2118 Glenn Spring Ct , Falls Church
- Lot size: 2,100 sqft
- Year built: 1983
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $2,600
300 Garden View Sq , Rockville
- Lot size: 2,055 sqft
- Year built: 2002
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $2,700
6514 78th St , Cabin John
- Lot size: 20,000 sqft
- Year built: 1952
- 3 beds
- 1 full, 1 part baths
- $849,000
7565 Weather Worn Way #C , Columbia
- Home size: 954 sq ft
- Year built: 1983
- 2 beds
- 1 full bath
- $170,000
3 Softwinds Ct , Owings Mills
- Lot size: 1,746 sqft
- Year built: 1992
- 3 beds
- 1 full, 1 part baths
- $184,990
20373 Cottswold Ter #75 , Potomac Falls
- Home size: 2,778 sq ft
- Year built: 2001
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $2,300
2308 Sidney Ave , Baltimore
Year built: 1920
3 beds 1 full bath $42,500
730 Kindig Rd , Littlestown
Lot size: 1.09 ac Year built: 1992
4 beds 2 full baths $315,000
2417 Maryland Ave , Baltimore
Year built: 1900
5 beds 3 full baths $139,500
2504 Yorkway , Dundalk
Home size: 1,950 sq ft Lot size: 4,835 sqft Year built: 2013
3 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $257,990
9405 Juliette Dr , Clinton
Lot size: 10,890 sqft Year built: 1985
3 beds 1 full bath $200,000
2755 Carter Farm Ct , Alexandria
Lot size: 2,746 sqft Year built: 1979
3 beds 1 full, 1 part baths $2,400
810 Chapel Farm Dr , Easton
Lot size: 10,001 sqft Year built: 1990
3 beds 2 full baths $235,000
10970 Cedar Dr , Lusby
Lot size: 15,000 sqft Year built: 1974
3 beds 1 full, 1 part baths $1,400
3704 36th St , Mount Rainier
Lot size: 5,000 sqft Year built: 1918
2 beds 3 full baths $164,000
1715 Braddish Ave , Baltimore
Year built: 1920
3 beds 1 full, 1 part baths $60,000
12989 Orleans St , Woodbridge
Home size: 1,759 sq ft Lot size: 10,903 sqft Year built: 1970
3 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $2,000
4700 Newman Rd , Temple Hills
Home size: 1,203 sq ft Lot size: 21,637 sqft Year built: 1968
4 beds 3 full baths $2,500
520 John Carlyle St #334 , Alexandria
Home size: 620 sq ft Year built: 2007
1 bed 1 full bath $1,700
18611 Amidon Ave , Triangle
Lot size: 29,599 sqft Year built: 1940
4 beds 2 full baths $130,000
9295 Beaverdam Rd , Nanjemoy
Home size: 1,900 sq ft Lot size: 21,780 sqft Year built: 1955
3 beds 1 full bath $195,000
11409 Mactavish Hts , Fairfax
Home size: 2,800 sq ft Lot size: 2,141 sqft Year built: 2002
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $549,990
157 Fleet St #718 , National Harbor
Home size: 1,222 sq ft Year built: 2009
2 beds 2 full baths $3,000
25491 Feltre Ter #25491 , Chantilly
Home size: 1,765 sq ft Year built: 2013
3 beds 2 full baths $2,250
12108 Greenway Ct #102 , Fairfax
Home size: 998 sq ft Year built: 1988
2 beds 2 full baths $1,600
471 Thoreau Dr , Inwood
Lot size: 11,326 sqft Year built: 2002
3 beds 2 full baths $169,900
13504 Derry Glen Ct #203 , Germantown
Home size: 1,068 sq ft Year built: 2006
2 beds 2 full baths $1,600
317 Heritage Dr , Shepherdstown
Home size: 2,052 sq ft Lot size: 43,560 sqft Year built: 2001
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $249,900
111 Hamlet Hill Rd #613 , Baltimore
Home size: 1,369 sq ft Year built: 1975
2 beds 2 full baths $164,900
207b Pointe Way #51 , Havre De Grace
Home size: 2,000 sq ft Year built: 1998
3 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $549,000
160 Somerset Rd , Stevensville
Lot size: 31,250 sqft Year built: 1951
4 beds 4 full baths $875,000
3488 Caloosa Way , Woodbridge
Lot size: 2,888 sqft Year built: 1998
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $299,000
614 Yorktown Blvd , Locust Grove
Home size: 2,117 sq ft Lot size: 14,866 sqft Year built: 2006
3 beds 2 full baths $239,500
15413 Valencia St , Silver Spring
Home size: 2,500 sq ft Lot size: 11,148 sqft Year built: 1972
4 beds 2 full baths $382,500
4726 Pickett Rd , Fairfax
Home size: 2,876 sq ft Lot size: 11,452 sqft Year built: 1965
4 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $545,500
184 Pheasant Run Ln , Hanover
Home size: 1,928 sq ft Lot size: 12,037 sqft Year built: 1990
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $209,900
3727 Gibbons Ave , Baltimore
Year built: 1939
3 beds 2 full baths $145,000
6044 Saint Moritz Dr , Temple Hills
Lot size: 1,678 sqft Year built: 1984
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $100,000
7320 Bay Front Rd , Sparrows Point
Lot size: 3,049 sqft Year built: 1932
4 beds 2 full baths $169,900
139 Dublin Dr , Lutherville Timonium
Lot size: 8,686 sqft Year built: 1955
4 beds 2 full baths $289,900
2602 Chancellor Ct , Odenton
Lot size: 1,155 sqft Year built: 1998
3 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $1,650
7729 Majestic Way , Derwood
Lot size: 2,400 sqft Year built: 1985
4 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $2,000
811 Stratford Way #L , Frederick
Year built: 1990
2 beds 1 full bath $1,175
10101 Grosvenor Pl #505 , Rockville
Home size: 1,300 sq ft Year built: 1986
2 beds 2 full baths $2,300
411 Elmwood Rd , Baltimore
Lot size: 4,500 sqft Year built: 1949
2 beds 1 full bath $150,000
106106 Highland Ct , Luray
Lot size: 8,712 sqft Year built: 1948
3 beds 1 full bath $145,900
2118 Glenn Spring Ct , Falls Church
Lot size: 2,100 sqft Year built: 1983
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $2,600
300 Garden View Sq , Rockville
Lot size: 2,055 sqft Year built: 2002
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $2,700
7722 Donnybrook Ct #7 , Annandale
Home size: 760 sq ft Year built: 1961
2 beds 1 full bath $182,000
12000 Taliesin Pl #11 , Reston
Home size: 767 sq ft Year built: 1993
1 bed 1 full bath $309,900
824 Mill Creek Rd , Arnold
Lot size: 8,300 sqft Year built: 1942
3 beds 2 full baths $430,000
6514 78th St , Cabin John
Lot size: 20,000 sqft Year built: 1952
3 beds 1 full, 1 part baths $849,000
7565 Weather Worn Way #C , Columbia
Home size: 954 sq ft Year built: 1983
2 beds 1 full bath $170,000
3 Softwinds Ct , Owings Mills
Lot size: 1,746 sqft Year built: 1992
3 beds 1 full, 1 part baths $184,990
20373 Cottswold Ter #75 , Potomac Falls
Home size: 2,778 sq ft Year built: 2001
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $2,300
8004 Holly Ave , Waldorf
Lot size: 17,500 sqft Year built: 1966
3 beds 2 full baths $1,700
El Rancho Barstow
Image by Thomas Hawk