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Latest Real Estate
- $300,000 - 51 Florida Ave Nw
- $275,000 - 1 Plum Tree Ct
- $220,000 - 4206 Crosswood Dr
- $600,000 - 603 Clarkson Dr
- $300,000 - 4017 Flagg Ct
- $144,900 - 19627 Galway Bay Cir #103
- $389,000 - 516 Augusta Dr
- $169,000 - 5707 Indian Ct #29
- $260,000 - 120 Keating Cir
- $500,000 - 47589 Blawnox Ter
- $434,900 - 8423 Arctic Circle Dr
- $2,600 - 6014 Bradmore St
- $164,900 - 58-F Crescent Rd
- $2,400 - 2255 Double Eagle Ct
- $2,900 - 13104 Venetian Rd
- $1,600 - 1803 62nd Ave
- $2,950 - 6138 Manchester Park Cir
- $103,000 - 17586 Oriole Dr
- $349,900 - 51 Aubrey Ct
- $380,000 - 3304 Applegate Ct
- $2,650 - 42247 42247 Castle Ridge Sq
- $220,000 - 309 Yoakum Pkwy #1612
- $44,500 - 2900 Keyworth Ave
- $55,000 - 1745 E Lafayette Ave
- $320,000 - 2124 Fernglen Way
- $220,000 - 105 Allen Rd
- $399,000 - 309 Ebaugh Dr Se
- $350,000 - 10616 Pennydog Ln
- $710,000 - 4414 14th St Nw
- $79,900 - 463 Torner Rd
- $145,000 - 4412 Quillen Cir
- $1,350 - 536 Cascade Way
- $281,500 - 216 Clinton St
- $60,000 - 1521 Ellamont St N
- $495,000 - 14403 Nicholas Schar Way
- $1,000 - 1228 Charles #302
- $350,000 - 504 Legrace Ter Ne
- $259,000 - 15014 North Ridge
- $284,000 - 514 Windemere Dr
- $700,000 - 534 Edgewater Rd
- $241,000 - 1219 Painted Fern Rd
- $1,100 - 110 Duke Dr #110
- $209,900 - 2732 Bird View Rd
- $130,000 - 506 Dover Rd
- $3,000 - 43103 Lake Ridge Pl
- $119,500 - 2131 Mcculloh St
- $199,900 - 220 Tennesse N
- $259,900 - 794 Prosperity Rd
- $359,900 - 6793 Balmoral Ridge Ct
- $2,250 - 23090 Almond Ct
1 Plum Tree Ct , Randallstown
- Home size: 2,836 sq ft
- Lot size: 12,797 sqft
- Year built: 1994
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $275,000
4206 Crosswood Dr , Burtonsville
- Lot size: 1,400 sqft
- Year built: 1988
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $220,000
603 Clarkson Dr , Severn
- Home size: 3,500 sq ft
- Lot size: 10,358 sqft
- Year built: 2008
- 4 beds
- 4 full, 1 part baths
- $600,000
4017 Flagg Ct , Chantilly
- Lot size: 1,760 sqft
- Year built: 1976
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $300,000
19627 Galway Bay Cir #103 , Germantown
- Home size: 809 sq ft
- Year built: 2006
- 1 bed
- 1 full bath
- $144,900
120 Keating Cir , Stafford
- Home size: 2,396 sq ft
- Lot size: 1,690 sqft
- Year built: 2005
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $260,000
47589 Blawnox Ter , Sterling
- Home size: 2,536 sq ft
- Lot size: 2,614 sqft
- Year built: 2008
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $500,000
8423 Arctic Circle Dr , Jessup
- Home size: 2,496 sq ft
- Lot size: 10,107 sqft
- Year built: 2009
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $434,900
6014 Bradmore St , Alexandria
- Lot size: 2,440 sqft
- Year built: 1988
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $2,600
2255 Double Eagle Ct , Reston
- Lot size: 1,585 sqft
- Year built: 1976
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $2,400
6138 Manchester Park Cir , Alexandria
- Home size: 2,460 sq ft
- Lot size: 2,076 sqft
- Year built: 1998
- 4 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $2,950
17586 Oriole Dr , Cobb Island
- Home size: 1,634 sq ft
- Lot size: 4 sqft
- Year built: 1973
- 3 beds
- 2 full baths
- $103,000
51 Aubrey Ct , Charles Town
- Home size: 4,101 sq ft
- Lot size: 1.13 ac
- Year built: 1989
- 4 beds
- 3 full baths
- $349,900
3304 Applegate Ct , Annandale
- Home size: 1,628 sq ft
- Lot size: 1,423 sqft
- Year built: 1969
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $380,000
42247 42247 Castle Ridge Sq , Ashburn
- Lot size: 3,400 sqft
- Year built: 2013
- 4 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $2,650
309 Yoakum Pkwy #1612 , Alexandria
- Home size: 1,098 sq ft
- Year built: 1979
- 2 beds
- 2 full baths
- $220,000
309 Ebaugh Dr Se , Leesburg
- Lot size: 2,614 sqft
- Year built: 2003
- 4 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $399,000
10616 Pennydog Ln , Silver Spring
- Home size: 2,160 sq ft
- Lot size: 1,682 sqft
- Year built: 1981
- 4 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $350,000
4412 Quillen Cir , Waldorf
- Home size: 1,856 sq ft
- Lot size: 7,798 sqft
- Year built: 1978
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $145,000
14403 Nicholas Schar Way , Centreville
- Home size: 1,974 sq ft
- Lot size: 9,986 sqft
- Year built: 1993
- 4 beds
- 2 full baths
- $495,000
504 Legrace Ter Ne , Leesburg
- Lot size: 1,742 sqft
- Year built: 2005
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $350,000
15014 North Ridge , Culpeper
- Lot size: 28,314 sqft
- Year built: 2010
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $259,000
514 Windemere Dr , Aberdeen
- Home size: 3,138 sq ft
- Lot size: 17,135 sqft
- Year built: 1968
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $284,000
1219 Painted Fern Rd , Denton
- Lot size: 11,099 sqft
- Year built: 2006
- 5 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $241,000
506 Dover Rd , Glen Burnie
- Lot size: 12,000 sqft
- Year built: 1955
- 3 beds
- 1 full, 1 part baths
- $130,000
43103 Lake Ridge Pl , Leesburg
- Home size: 2,767 sq ft
- Lot size: 6,098 sqft
- Year built: 2000
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $3,000
220 Tennesse N , Martinsburg
- Home size: 1 sq ft
- Lot size: 10,019 sqft
- Year built: 1940
- 3 beds
- 2 full baths
- $199,900
794 Prosperity Rd , Culpeper
- Lot size: 12,197 sqft
- Year built: 2003
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $259,900
6793 Balmoral Ridge Ct , New Market
- Lot size: 9,934 sqft
- Year built: 2000
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $359,900
23090 Almond Ct , California
- Lot size: 26,776 sqft
- Year built: 1988
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $2,250
51 Florida Ave Nw , Washington
Lot size: 1,396 sqft Year built: 1907
3 beds 1 full bath $300,000
1 Plum Tree Ct , Randallstown
Home size: 2,836 sq ft Lot size: 12,797 sqft Year built: 1994
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $275,000
4206 Crosswood Dr , Burtonsville
Lot size: 1,400 sqft Year built: 1988
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $220,000
603 Clarkson Dr , Severn
Home size: 3,500 sq ft Lot size: 10,358 sqft Year built: 2008
4 beds 4 full, 1 part baths $600,000
4017 Flagg Ct , Chantilly
Lot size: 1,760 sqft Year built: 1976
3 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $300,000
19627 Galway Bay Cir #103 , Germantown
Home size: 809 sq ft Year built: 2006
1 bed 1 full bath $144,900
516 Augusta Dr , Arnold
Lot size: 13,000 sqft Year built: 1976
4 beds 2 full baths $389,000
5707 Indian Ct #29 , Alexandria
Home size: 950 sq ft Year built: 1967
2 beds 1 full bath $169,000
120 Keating Cir , Stafford
Home size: 2,396 sq ft Lot size: 1,690 sqft Year built: 2005
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $260,000
47589 Blawnox Ter , Sterling
Home size: 2,536 sq ft Lot size: 2,614 sqft Year built: 2008
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $500,000
8423 Arctic Circle Dr , Jessup
Home size: 2,496 sq ft Lot size: 10,107 sqft Year built: 2009
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $434,900
6014 Bradmore St , Alexandria
Lot size: 2,440 sqft Year built: 1988
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $2,600
58-F Crescent Rd , Greenbelt
Home size: 1,100 sq ft Year built: 1936
2 beds 1 full bath $164,900
2255 Double Eagle Ct , Reston
Lot size: 1,585 sqft Year built: 1976
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $2,400
13104 Venetian Rd , Silver Spring
Year built: 1987
4 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $2,900
1803 62nd Ave , Cheverly
Lot size: 6,456 sqft Year built: 1954
3 beds 1 full bath $1,600
6138 Manchester Park Cir , Alexandria
Home size: 2,460 sq ft Lot size: 2,076 sqft Year built: 1998
4 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $2,950
17586 Oriole Dr , Cobb Island
Home size: 1,634 sq ft Lot size: 4 sqft Year built: 1973
3 beds 2 full baths $103,000
51 Aubrey Ct , Charles Town
Home size: 4,101 sq ft Lot size: 1.13 ac Year built: 1989
4 beds 3 full baths $349,900
3304 Applegate Ct , Annandale
Home size: 1,628 sq ft Lot size: 1,423 sqft Year built: 1969
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $380,000
42247 42247 Castle Ridge Sq , Ashburn
Lot size: 3,400 sqft Year built: 2013
4 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $2,650
309 Yoakum Pkwy #1612 , Alexandria
Home size: 1,098 sq ft Year built: 1979
2 beds 2 full baths $220,000
2900 Keyworth Ave , Baltimore
Year built: 1920
4 beds 2 full baths $44,500
1745 E Lafayette Ave , Baltimore
Year built: 1913
3 beds 1 full, 1 part baths $55,000
2124 Fernglen Way , Baltimore
Lot size: 13,500 sqft Year built: 1963
3 beds 3 full baths $320,000
105 Allen Rd , Glen Burnie
Lot size: 9,323 sqft Year built: 1956
3 beds 1 full bath $220,000
309 Ebaugh Dr Se , Leesburg
Lot size: 2,614 sqft Year built: 2003
4 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $399,000
10616 Pennydog Ln , Silver Spring
Home size: 2,160 sq ft Lot size: 1,682 sqft Year built: 1981
4 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $350,000
4414 14th St Nw , Washington
Lot size: 2,048 sqft Year built: 1904
9 beds 3 full baths $710,000
463 Torner Rd , Baltimore
Lot size: 2,091 sqft Year built: 1954
3 beds 2 full baths $79,900
4412 Quillen Cir , Waldorf
Home size: 1,856 sq ft Lot size: 7,798 sqft Year built: 1978
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $145,000
536 Cascade Way , Frederick
Lot size: 910 sqft Year built: 1992
3 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $1,350
216 Clinton St , Baltimore
Year built: 1900
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $281,500
1521 Ellamont St N , Baltimore
Year built: 1935
3 beds 1 full bath $60,000
14403 Nicholas Schar Way , Centreville
Home size: 1,974 sq ft Lot size: 9,986 sqft Year built: 1993
4 beds 2 full baths $495,000
1228 Charles #302 , Baltimore
Year built: 1900
0 beds 1 full bath $1,000
504 Legrace Ter Ne , Leesburg
Lot size: 1,742 sqft Year built: 2005
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $350,000
15014 North Ridge , Culpeper
Lot size: 28,314 sqft Year built: 2010
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $259,000
514 Windemere Dr , Aberdeen
Home size: 3,138 sq ft Lot size: 17,135 sqft Year built: 1968
4 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $284,000
534 Edgewater Rd , Pasadena
Lot size: 29,603 sqft Year built: 1971
3 beds 2 full baths $700,000
1219 Painted Fern Rd , Denton
Lot size: 11,099 sqft Year built: 2006
5 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $241,000
110 Duke Dr #110 , Sterling
Home size: 640 sq ft Year built: 1965
1 bed 1 full bath $1,100
2732 Bird View Rd , Westminster
Lot size: 1.32 ac Year built: 1967
3 beds 1 full bath $209,900
506 Dover Rd , Glen Burnie
Lot size: 12,000 sqft Year built: 1955
3 beds 1 full, 1 part baths $130,000
43103 Lake Ridge Pl , Leesburg
Home size: 2,767 sq ft Lot size: 6,098 sqft Year built: 2000
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $3,000
2131 Mcculloh St , Baltimore
Lot size: 2,220 sqft Year built: 1920
5 beds 2 full baths $119,500
220 Tennesse N , Martinsburg
Home size: 1 sq ft Lot size: 10,019 sqft Year built: 1940
3 beds 2 full baths $199,900
794 Prosperity Rd , Culpeper
Lot size: 12,197 sqft Year built: 2003
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $259,900
6793 Balmoral Ridge Ct , New Market
Lot size: 9,934 sqft Year built: 2000
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $359,900
23090 Almond Ct , California
Lot size: 26,776 sqft Year built: 1988
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $2,250
Inflight – Over Barstow area
Image by Eric Harmatz