Great new listing in Barstow!
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Latest Real Estate
- $319,000 - 518 James Ave
- $1,700 - 12444 Algonquin Trl
- $217,000 - 12651 Hilltop Rd
- $320,000 - 5753 Lichenbark Cir
- $169,900 - 1740 Grays Rd
- $2,900 - 10631 Fielder Ct
- $1,950 - 585 Fairhaven Rd E
- $900 - 25 Charles St #B
- $1,850 - 25 Charles St
- $1,800 - 43543 Wild Iris St
- $235,900 - 2706 Summerview Way #3104
- $486,350 - 4111 Bayside Rd
- $298,900 - 1440 Wilson Rd
- $169,500 - 504 Skyview Dr
- $239,000 - 6750 Old Solomons Island Rd
- $449,900 - 3232 Blackwalnut Dr
- $259,900 - 11384 Mill Bridge Rd
- $399,900 - 2546 Aster Rd
- $2,250 - 4780 Old Adelina Rd
- $2,400 - 23591 Gunnell Dr
- $374,999 - 3010 Tobacco Rd
- $199,999 - 3403 42nd Ave
- $235,500 - 6325 Long Beach Dr
- $185,000 - 1845 Scientists Cliffs Rd
- $449,900 - 40389 Beach Dr
- $550,000 - 9760 Smith Way
- $499,000 - 10631 Fielder Ct
- $299,900 - 13630 Hamit Rd
- $189,900 - 815 San Mateo Trl
- $410,000 - 675 Wilson Rd
- $1,400 - 305 Clubhouse Dr
- $279,900 - 1130 Calvert Beach Rd
- $350,000 - 8115 Broomes Island Rd
- $39,900 - 58 Edwards Ln
- $199,900 - 135 Terrace Dr
- $189,900 - 521 Chisholm Trl
- $565,000 - 8225 C St
- $584,630 - 12360 Webb Ln
- $593,820 - 12355 Webb Ln
- $449,900 - 18991 Little Pond Ln
- $299,900 - 6420 Bayside Rd
- $774,999 - 9545 Covenant Ct
- $159,000 - 13817 Amberfield Ct
- $599,900 - 420 Lake Dr
- $1,700 - 540 Platte Rd
- $285,000 - 540 Platte Rd
- $549,900 - 30003 Shoreview Dr
- $488,500 - 3820 Bristol Dr
- $1,999,950 - 3315 Leritz Ln E
- $537,000 - 7201 Burning Timber Ln
5753 Lichenbark Cir , New Market
- Home size: 1,136 sq ft
- Lot size: 15,387 sqft
- Year built: 1989
- 3 beds
- 2 full baths
- $320,000
1740 Grays Rd , Prince Frederick
- Home size: 2,000 sq ft
- Lot size: 41,508 sqft
- Year built: 1977
- 4 beds
- 3 full baths
- $169,900
43543 Wild Iris St , California
- Home size: 1,700 sq ft
- Lot size: 1,520 sqft
- Year built: 2013
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $1,800
2706 Summerview Way #3104 , Annapolis
- Home size: 1,285 sq ft
- Year built: 1989
- 2 beds
- 2 full baths
- $235,900
4111 Bayside Rd , Chesapeake Beach
- Home size: 2,666 sq ft
- Lot size: 3.00 ac
- Year built: 2013
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $486,350
6750 Old Solomons Island Rd , Friendship
- Lot size: 10,890 sqft
- Year built: 1940
- 2 beds
- 2 full baths
- $239,000
3232 Blackwalnut Dr , Annapolis
- Home size: 2,827 sq ft
- Lot size: 10,000 sqft
- Year built: 1984
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $449,900
11384 Mill Bridge Rd , Lusby
- Home size: 2,400 sq ft
- Lot size: 42,893 sqft
- Year built: 1976
- 5 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $259,900
2546 Aster Rd , Port Republic
- Lot size: 7,400 sqft
- Year built: 1976
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $399,900
4780 Old Adelina Rd , Prince Frederick
- Home size: 2,420 sq ft
- Lot size: 1.60 ac
- Year built: 1865
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $2,250
6325 Long Beach Dr , Saint Leonard
- Lot size: 6,000 sqft
- Year built: 1973
- 3 beds
- 2 full baths
- $235,500
1845 Scientists Cliffs Rd , Port Republic
- Lot size: 3.49 ac
- Year built: 1975
- 3 beds
- 2 full baths
- $185,000
9760 Smith Way , Dunkirk
- Lot size: 43,560 sqft
- Year built: 1991
- 5 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $550,000
1130 Calvert Beach Rd , Saint Leonard
- Lot size: 20,000 sqft
- Year built: 2000
- 4 beds
- 2 full baths
- $279,900
8115 Broomes Island Rd , Broomes Island
- Lot size: 18,730 sqft
- Year built: 1919
- 2 beds
- 1 full bath
- $350,000
135 Terrace Dr , Prince Frederick
- Lot size: 22,821 sqft
- Year built: 1974
- 5 beds
- 3 full baths
- $199,900
521 Chisholm Trl , Lusby
- Home size: 2,232 sq ft
- Lot size: 15,000 sqft
- Year built: 1977
- 3 beds
- 1 full, 2 part baths
- $189,900
8225 C St , Chesapeake Beach
- Home size: 1,704 sq ft
- Lot size: 5,170 sqft
- Year built: 1940
- 4 beds
- 1 full bath
- $565,000
12360 Webb Ln , Dunkirk
- Home size: 3,464 sq ft
- Lot size: 43,560 sqft
- Year built: 2013
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $584,630
12355 Webb Ln , Dunkirk
- Home size: 3,624 sq ft
- Lot size: 1.31 ac
- Year built: 2013
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $593,820
18991 Little Pond Ln , Valley Lee
- Lot size: 7,500 sqft
- Year built: 2009
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $449,900
6420 Bayside Rd , Chesapeake Beach
- Home size: 2,240 sq ft
- Lot size: 12,000 sqft
- Year built: 2010
- 4 beds
- 3 full baths
- $299,900
13817 Amberfield Ct , Upper Marlboro
- Home size: 1,160 sq ft
- Lot size: 1,000 sqft
- Year built: 1998
- 2 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $159,000
420 Lake Dr , Lusby
- Home size: 2,562 sq ft
- Lot size: 10,542 sqft
- Year built: 2005
- 3 beds
- 4 full baths
- $599,900
30003 Shoreview Dr , Mechanicsville
- Home size: 2,554 sq ft
- Lot size: 20,000 sqft
- Year built: 1986
- 4 beds
- 3 full baths
- $549,900
3820 Bristol Dr , Chesapeake Beach
- Home size: 2,280 sq ft
- Lot size: 3.00 ac
- Year built: 2013
- 4 beds
- 2 full baths
- $488,500
3315 Leritz Ln E , Edgewater
- Home size: 8,133 sq ft
- Lot size: 21,156 sqft
- Year built: 2006
- 5 beds
- 5 full, 1 part baths
- $1,999,950
518 James Ave , Tracys Landing
Lot size: 12,000 sqft Year built: 1976
3 beds 1 full bath $319,000
12444 Algonquin Trl , Lusby
Year built: 1995
4 beds 3 full baths $1,700
12651 Hilltop Rd , Lusby
Home size: 40 sq ft Year built: 2006
4 beds 2 full baths $217,000
5753 Lichenbark Cir , New Market
Home size: 1,136 sq ft Lot size: 15,387 sqft Year built: 1989
3 beds 2 full baths $320,000
1740 Grays Rd , Prince Frederick
Home size: 2,000 sq ft Lot size: 41,508 sqft Year built: 1977
4 beds 3 full baths $169,900
10631 Fielder Ct , Dunkirk
Lot size: 2.69 ac Year built: 1986
4 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $2,900
585 Fairhaven Rd E , Tracys Landing
Lot size: 1.66 ac Year built: 1910
3 beds 2 full baths $1,950
25 Charles St #B , Solomons
Lot size: 11,499 sqft Year built: 1939
1 bed 1 full bath $900
25 Charles St , Solomons
Lot size: 11,499 sqft Year built: 1939
3 beds 2 full baths $1,850
43543 Wild Iris St , California
Home size: 1,700 sq ft Lot size: 1,520 sqft Year built: 2013
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $1,800
2706 Summerview Way #3104 , Annapolis
Home size: 1,285 sq ft Year built: 1989
2 beds 2 full baths $235,900
4111 Bayside Rd , Chesapeake Beach
Home size: 2,666 sq ft Lot size: 3.00 ac Year built: 2013
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $486,350
1440 Wilson Rd , Huntingtown
Lot size: 22,651 sqft Year built: 1987
3 beds 2 full baths $298,900
504 Skyview Dr , Lusby
Lot size: 11,640 sqft Year built: 1992
4 beds 2 full baths $169,500
6750 Old Solomons Island Rd , Friendship
Lot size: 10,890 sqft Year built: 1940
2 beds 2 full baths $239,000
3232 Blackwalnut Dr , Annapolis
Home size: 2,827 sq ft Lot size: 10,000 sqft Year built: 1984
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $449,900
11384 Mill Bridge Rd , Lusby
Home size: 2,400 sq ft Lot size: 42,893 sqft Year built: 1976
5 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $259,900
2546 Aster Rd , Port Republic
Lot size: 7,400 sqft Year built: 1976
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $399,900
4780 Old Adelina Rd , Prince Frederick
Home size: 2,420 sq ft Lot size: 1.60 ac Year built: 1865
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $2,250
23591 Gunnell Dr , Leonardtown
Lot size: 12,750 sqft Year built: 2004
5 beds 3 full baths $2,400
3010 Tobacco Rd , Chesapeake Beach
Lot size: 5.01 ac Year built: 1990
3 beds 3 full baths $374,999
3403 42nd Ave , Brentwood
Lot size: 6,852 sqft Year built: 1978
4 beds 2 full baths $199,999
6325 Long Beach Dr , Saint Leonard
Lot size: 6,000 sqft Year built: 1973
3 beds 2 full baths $235,500
1845 Scientists Cliffs Rd , Port Republic
Lot size: 3.49 ac Year built: 1975
3 beds 2 full baths $185,000
40389 Beach Dr , Mechanicsville
Lot size: 19,729 sqft Year built: 1953
3 beds 2 full baths $449,900
9760 Smith Way , Dunkirk
Lot size: 43,560 sqft Year built: 1991
5 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $550,000
10631 Fielder Ct , Dunkirk
Lot size: 2.69 ac Year built: 1986
4 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $499,000
13630 Hamit Rd , Dowell
Lot size: 22,651 sqft Year built: 1984
6 beds 3 full baths $299,900
815 San Mateo Trl , Lusby
Year built: 1990
3 beds 2 full baths $189,900
675 Wilson Rd , Huntingtown
Lot size: 3.00 ac Year built: 1824
3 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $410,000
305 Clubhouse Dr , Lusby
Lot size: 2 sqft Year built: 1962
4 beds 2 full baths $1,400
1130 Calvert Beach Rd , Saint Leonard
Lot size: 20,000 sqft Year built: 2000
4 beds 2 full baths $279,900
8115 Broomes Island Rd , Broomes Island
Lot size: 18,730 sqft Year built: 1919
2 beds 1 full bath $350,000
58 Edwards Ln , Lothian
Year built: 1994
3 beds 2 full baths $39,900
135 Terrace Dr , Prince Frederick
Lot size: 22,821 sqft Year built: 1974
5 beds 3 full baths $199,900
521 Chisholm Trl , Lusby
Home size: 2,232 sq ft Lot size: 15,000 sqft Year built: 1977
3 beds 1 full, 2 part baths $189,900
8225 C St , Chesapeake Beach
Home size: 1,704 sq ft Lot size: 5,170 sqft Year built: 1940
4 beds 1 full bath $565,000
12360 Webb Ln , Dunkirk
Home size: 3,464 sq ft Lot size: 43,560 sqft Year built: 2013
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $584,630
12355 Webb Ln , Dunkirk
Home size: 3,624 sq ft Lot size: 1.31 ac Year built: 2013
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $593,820
18991 Little Pond Ln , Valley Lee
Lot size: 7,500 sqft Year built: 2009
3 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $449,900
6420 Bayside Rd , Chesapeake Beach
Home size: 2,240 sq ft Lot size: 12,000 sqft Year built: 2010
4 beds 3 full baths $299,900
9545 Covenant Ct , Owings
Lot size: 43,560 sqft Year built: 2004
4 beds 4 full baths $774,999
13817 Amberfield Ct , Upper Marlboro
Home size: 1,160 sq ft Lot size: 1,000 sqft Year built: 1998
2 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $159,000
420 Lake Dr , Lusby
Home size: 2,562 sq ft Lot size: 10,542 sqft Year built: 2005
3 beds 4 full baths $599,900
540 Platte Rd , Lusby
Lot size: 10,890 sqft Year built: 2000
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $1,700
540 Platte Rd , Lusby
Lot size: 10,890 sqft Year built: 2000
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $285,000
30003 Shoreview Dr , Mechanicsville
Home size: 2,554 sq ft Lot size: 20,000 sqft Year built: 1986
4 beds 3 full baths $549,900
3820 Bristol Dr , Chesapeake Beach
Home size: 2,280 sq ft Lot size: 3.00 ac Year built: 2013
4 beds 2 full baths $488,500
3315 Leritz Ln E , Edgewater
Home size: 8,133 sq ft Lot size: 21,156 sqft Year built: 2006
5 beds 5 full, 1 part baths $1,999,950
7201 Burning Timber Ln , Owings
Lot size: 25,531 sqft Year built: 2004
5 beds 3 full baths $537,000
Barstow 1st St bridge (2750)
Image by DB’s travels