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Latest Real Estate
- $1,600 - 14705 Bryan Ct
- $1,100 - 469 Ruffian Ct
- $190,000 - 12904 Woods View St S
- $679,500 - 244 10th St Ne
- $209,000 - 3527 Milford Mill Rd
- $379,900 - 6360 Bright Plume
- $375,000 - 35 E. All Saints St #209
- $583,900 - 339 Prospect Bay Dr W
- $125,000 - 12714 Veirs Mill Rd #72-102
- $360,000 - 3943 Plum Run Ct
- $799,900 - 2016 Holly Ridge Ct
- $549,900 - 2405 Calloway Ct
- $399,000 - 44700 Quarry Ct
- $25,999 - 3136 Brinkley Rd #T-2
- $1,750 - 13405 Country Ridge Dr
- $1,600,000 - 1038 Brook Valley Ln
- $2,800 - 20044 Northville Hills Ter
- $1,290 - 14325 Climbing Rose Way #203
- $1,700 - 154 Penwick Cir
- $399,900 - 7 Paca Pl
- $1,650 - 14005 Korba Pl #1e
- $1,500 - 14032 Vista Dr #73a
- $2,650 - 12402 Falconbridge Dr
- $147,700 - 7624 Normandy Rd
- $270,000 - 7903 Beach Plum Ln
- $649,000 - 7587 Lindberg Dr
- $235,000 - 8659 Point Of Woods Dr
- $484,900 - 5247 Ballycastle Cir
- $559,900 - 9584 Linnett Hill Dr
- $2,189 - 11990 Market St #1208
- $1,450 - 13613 Deerwater Dr #8-B
- $1,595 - 21210 Mcfadden Sq #403
- $1,700 - 8900 Marquis Ln
- $189,000 - 709 Fagley St S
- $389,500 - 8904 Commons Cir
- $289,000 - 1644 Saint Paul St
- $369,999 - 20226 Tidewinds Way
- $279,000 - 2825 Strathmore Ave
- $669,000 - 709 Pebble Beach Dr
- $234,900 - 9505 Kingscroft Ter #J
- $729,900 - 6800 Walnut Creek Ct
- $310,000 - 25348 Curiosity Sq
- $204,900 - 3497 Old Crown Dr
- $1,300 - 55 Hamn Ln
- $170,000 - 3818 Early Glow Ln
- $2,100 - 20961 Martingale Sq
- $237,700 - 9712 Woodyard Cir
- $649,900 - 2 Holladay Park Rd
- $4,000 - 18494 Running Pine Ct
- $1,700 - 10121 Oakton Terrace Rd
12904 Woods View St S , Upper Marlboro
- Lot size: 1,700 sqft
- Year built: 2001
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $190,000
6360 Bright Plume , Columbia
- Home size: 2,482 sq ft
- Lot size: 10,874 sqft
- Year built: 1978
- 4 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $379,900
35 E. All Saints St #209 , Frederick
- Home size: 1,504 sq ft
- Year built: 2007
- 2 beds
- 2 full baths
- $375,000
339 Prospect Bay Dr W , Grasonville
- Home size: 3,472 sq ft
- Lot size: 1.32 ac
- Year built: 1993
- 5 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $583,900
12714 Veirs Mill Rd #72-102 , Rockville
- Home size: 910 sq ft
- Year built: 1974
- 1 bed
- 1 full bath
- $125,000
3943 Plum Run Ct , Fairfax
- Lot size: 1,400 sqft
- Year built: 1986
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $360,000
2016 Holly Ridge Ct , Lutherville Timonium
- Lot size: 9,626 sqft
- Year built: 2006
- 4 beds
- 3 full baths
- $799,900
2405 Calloway Ct , Frederick
- Home size: 5,791 sq ft
- Lot size: 14,656 sqft
- Year built: 2008
- 4 beds
- 4 full, 1 part baths
- $549,900
44700 Quarry Ct , Lovettsville
- Lot size: 3.05 ac
- Year built: 1996
- 5 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $399,000
3136 Brinkley Rd #T-2 , Temple Hills
- Home size: 700 sq ft
- Year built: 1966
- 2 beds
- 1 full bath
- $25,999
13405 Country Ridge Dr , Germantown
- Lot size: 1,540 sqft
- Year built: 1982
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $1,750
1038 Brook Valley Ln , Mclean
- Home size: 3,649 sq ft
- Lot size: 2.78 ac
- Year built: 1957
- 4 beds
- 4 full, 1 part baths
- $1,600,000
20044 Northville Hills Ter , Ashburn
- Lot size: 3,485 sqft
- Year built: 2006
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $2,800
14325 Climbing Rose Way #203 , Centreville
- Home size: 703 sq ft
- Year built: 1991
- 1 bed
- 1 full bath
- $1,290
154 Penwick Cir , Frederick
- Home size: 2,296 sq ft
- Lot size: 1,600 sqft
- Year built: 2000
- 2 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $1,700
7 Paca Pl , Rockville
- Home size: 1,287 sq ft
- Lot size: 6,670 sqft
- Year built: 1955
- 4 beds
- 2 full baths
- $399,900
12402 Falconbridge Dr , North Potomac
- Lot size: 1,760 sqft
- Year built: 2003
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $2,650
7624 Normandy Rd , Hyattsville
- Lot size: 3,862 sqft
- Year built: 1955
- 3 beds
- 1 full, 1 part baths
- $147,700
7903 Beach Plum Ln , Severn
- Home size: 2,166 sq ft
- Year built: 1995
- 4 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $270,000
7587 Lindberg Dr , Alexandria
- Lot size: 4,976 sqft
- Year built: 2004
- 5 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $649,000
8659 Point Of Woods Dr , Manassas
- Home size: 630 sq ft
- Lot size: 1,600 sqft
- Year built: 1987
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $235,000
5247 Ballycastle Cir , Alexandria
- Home size: 2,332 sq ft
- Lot size: 2,307 sqft
- Year built: 1996
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $484,900
9584 Linnett Hill Dr , Lorton
- Home size: 2,784 sq ft
- Lot size: 3,600 sqft
- Year built: 2004
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $559,900
13613 Deerwater Dr #8-B , Germantown
- Home size: 1,084 sq ft
- Year built: 1985
- 2 beds
- 2 full baths
- $1,450
8904 Commons Cir , Spotsylvania
- Home size: 4,670 sq ft
- Lot size: 33,365 sqft
- Year built: 1993
- 6 beds
- 3 full baths
- $389,500
20226 Tidewinds Way , Germantown
- Lot size: 1,676 sqft
- Year built: 1990
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $369,999
709 Pebble Beach Dr , Silver Spring
- Lot size: 10,301 sqft
- Year built: 1990
- 7 beds
- 4 full, 1 part baths
- $669,000
9505 Kingscroft Ter #J , Perry Hall
- Home size: 1,658 sq ft
- Year built: 2003
- 2 beds
- 2 full baths
- $234,900
6800 Walnut Creek Ct , Clarksville
- Home size: 3,657 sq ft
- Lot size: 8,361 sqft
- Year built: 2001
- 4 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $729,900
25348 Curiosity Sq , Aldie
- Home size: 1,642 sq ft
- Year built: 2007
- 2 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $310,000
3818 Early Glow Ln , Bowie
- Lot size: 1,757 sqft
- Year built: 1993
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $170,000
20961 Martingale Sq , Sterling
- Lot size: 1,742 sqft
- Year built: 1994
- 3 beds
- 3 full, 1 part baths
- $2,100
9712 Woodyard Cir , Upper Marlboro
- Lot size: 2,160 sqft
- Year built: 2002
- 3 beds
- 2 full, 2 part baths
- $237,700
2 Holladay Park Rd , Gambrills
- Home size: 2,620 sq ft
- Lot size: 40,946 sqft
- Year built: 2013
- 4 beds
- 2 full, 1 part baths
- $649,900
18494 Running Pine Ct , Triangle
- Home size: 1,832 sq ft
- Lot size: 20,974 sqft
- Year built: 1989
- 5 beds
- 4 full baths
- $4,000
14705 Bryan Ct , Woodbridge
Lot size: 11,513 sqft Year built: 1966
3 beds 2 full baths $1,600
469 Ruffian Ct , Annapolis
Lot size: 5,660 sqft Year built: 1980
3 beds 1 full bath $1,100
12904 Woods View St S , Upper Marlboro
Lot size: 1,700 sqft Year built: 2001
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $190,000
244 10th St Ne , Washington
Lot size: 660 sqft Year built: 1865
2 beds 2 full baths $679,500
3527 Milford Mill Rd , Baltimore
Lot size: 7,020 sqft Year built: 1954
5 beds 3 full baths $209,000
6360 Bright Plume , Columbia
Home size: 2,482 sq ft Lot size: 10,874 sqft Year built: 1978
4 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $379,900
35 E. All Saints St #209 , Frederick
Home size: 1,504 sq ft Year built: 2007
2 beds 2 full baths $375,000
339 Prospect Bay Dr W , Grasonville
Home size: 3,472 sq ft Lot size: 1.32 ac Year built: 1993
5 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $583,900
12714 Veirs Mill Rd #72-102 , Rockville
Home size: 910 sq ft Year built: 1974
1 bed 1 full bath $125,000
3943 Plum Run Ct , Fairfax
Lot size: 1,400 sqft Year built: 1986
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $360,000
2016 Holly Ridge Ct , Lutherville Timonium
Lot size: 9,626 sqft Year built: 2006
4 beds 3 full baths $799,900
2405 Calloway Ct , Frederick
Home size: 5,791 sq ft Lot size: 14,656 sqft Year built: 2008
4 beds 4 full, 1 part baths $549,900
44700 Quarry Ct , Lovettsville
Lot size: 3.05 ac Year built: 1996
5 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $399,000
3136 Brinkley Rd #T-2 , Temple Hills
Home size: 700 sq ft Year built: 1966
2 beds 1 full bath $25,999
13405 Country Ridge Dr , Germantown
Lot size: 1,540 sqft Year built: 1982
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $1,750
1038 Brook Valley Ln , Mclean
Home size: 3,649 sq ft Lot size: 2.78 ac Year built: 1957
4 beds 4 full, 1 part baths $1,600,000
20044 Northville Hills Ter , Ashburn
Lot size: 3,485 sqft Year built: 2006
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $2,800
14325 Climbing Rose Way #203 , Centreville
Home size: 703 sq ft Year built: 1991
1 bed 1 full bath $1,290
154 Penwick Cir , Frederick
Home size: 2,296 sq ft Lot size: 1,600 sqft Year built: 2000
2 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $1,700
7 Paca Pl , Rockville
Home size: 1,287 sq ft Lot size: 6,670 sqft Year built: 1955
4 beds 2 full baths $399,900
14005 Korba Pl #1e , Laurel
Home size: 818 sq ft Year built: 1985
2 beds 2 full baths $1,650
14032 Vista Dr #73a , Laurel
Home size: 873 sq ft Year built: 1987
2 beds 2 full baths $1,500
12402 Falconbridge Dr , North Potomac
Lot size: 1,760 sqft Year built: 2003
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $2,650
7624 Normandy Rd , Hyattsville
Lot size: 3,862 sqft Year built: 1955
3 beds 1 full, 1 part baths $147,700
7903 Beach Plum Ln , Severn
Home size: 2,166 sq ft Year built: 1995
4 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $270,000
7587 Lindberg Dr , Alexandria
Lot size: 4,976 sqft Year built: 2004
5 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $649,000
8659 Point Of Woods Dr , Manassas
Home size: 630 sq ft Lot size: 1,600 sqft Year built: 1987
3 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $235,000
5247 Ballycastle Cir , Alexandria
Home size: 2,332 sq ft Lot size: 2,307 sqft Year built: 1996
3 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $484,900
9584 Linnett Hill Dr , Lorton
Home size: 2,784 sq ft Lot size: 3,600 sqft Year built: 2004
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $559,900
11990 Market St #1208 , Reston
Home size: 833 sq ft Year built: 2006
2 beds 1 full bath $2,189
13613 Deerwater Dr #8-B , Germantown
Home size: 1,084 sq ft Year built: 1985
2 beds 2 full baths $1,450
21210 Mcfadden Sq #403 , Sterling
Home size: 800 sq ft Year built: 2006
1 bed 1 full bath $1,595
8900 Marquis Ln , Clinton
Lot size: 13,500 sqft Year built: 1952
3 beds 2 full baths $1,700
709 Fagley St S , Baltimore
Year built: 1920
2 beds 1 full bath $189,000
8904 Commons Cir , Spotsylvania
Home size: 4,670 sq ft Lot size: 33,365 sqft Year built: 1993
6 beds 3 full baths $389,500
1644 Saint Paul St , Hampstead
Lot size: 20,168 sqft Year built: 1964
3 beds 3 full baths $289,000
20226 Tidewinds Way , Germantown
Lot size: 1,676 sqft Year built: 1990
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $369,999
2825 Strathmore Ave , Baltimore
Lot size: 14,392 sqft Year built: 1953
4 beds 3 full baths $279,000
709 Pebble Beach Dr , Silver Spring
Lot size: 10,301 sqft Year built: 1990
7 beds 4 full, 1 part baths $669,000
9505 Kingscroft Ter #J , Perry Hall
Home size: 1,658 sq ft Year built: 2003
2 beds 2 full baths $234,900
6800 Walnut Creek Ct , Clarksville
Home size: 3,657 sq ft Lot size: 8,361 sqft Year built: 2001
4 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $729,900
25348 Curiosity Sq , Aldie
Home size: 1,642 sq ft Year built: 2007
2 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $310,000
3497 Old Crown Dr , Pasadena
Lot size: 3,750 sqft Year built: 1982
3 beds 1 full bath $204,900
55 Hamn Ln , Stafford
Lot size: 1.53 ac Year built: 1998
3 beds 2 full baths $1,300
3818 Early Glow Ln , Bowie
Lot size: 1,757 sqft Year built: 1993
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $170,000
20961 Martingale Sq , Sterling
Lot size: 1,742 sqft Year built: 1994
3 beds 3 full, 1 part baths $2,100
9712 Woodyard Cir , Upper Marlboro
Lot size: 2,160 sqft Year built: 2002
3 beds 2 full, 2 part baths $237,700
2 Holladay Park Rd , Gambrills
Home size: 2,620 sq ft Lot size: 40,946 sqft Year built: 2013
4 beds 2 full, 1 part baths $649,900
18494 Running Pine Ct , Triangle
Home size: 1,832 sq ft Lot size: 20,974 sqft Year built: 1989
5 beds 4 full baths $4,000
10121 Oakton Terrace Rd , Oakton
Home size: 1,205 sq ft Year built: 1984
2 beds 2 full baths $1,700
Barstow Train Depot-Hotel Sign
Image by jimmywayne